Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Monday, May 16, 2005

ahhh yes the streets of baltimore

so today was the zoo day. i started of the day like wayyy stressed. i went to the store to get film and batteries for my camera and then couldnt find the damn camera. fuck!!! so then i got all pissy. then josh was late as usual,dammit again!!

so finally we are on our way. and besides josh telling me how to drive it was mostly an uneventful trip. sorta. we made it to baltimore fine. evn caught up to the buses even though we left a half hour later. so glad i drove myself. well mapquest fucked up and we ended up in hte middle of nowhere. right by inner harbor but not quite. well id never been to the zoo before so i had no clue. so we stop and ask for directions. in like the harlem area of baltimore. so dude gave us directions, and so we drove. well instead of listening to myself, i listened to josh and we ended up in a new harlme ghetto area. i turned my radio off and everything cuz these people scared the hell out of so we stopped for directions again and finally got to the damn zoo.

now, after having been to the bronx zoo in ny, this zoo sucked. like really sucked. they didnt have any tigers, brown bears and no seals!! wtf? no seals? thats that bullshit right there. so we were basically done in like 2 hours. the baltimore zoo blows!! one good thing was when we went to see the leopards( this is some funny shit) they put on a show for us. so were all looking for the leopards, the adults AND the children. we found one laying on the rock. well all of a sudden the second one comes up behind(hehhehehehehe) the one laying down. the one laying down RAISES her ass up and the boy one comes up right behind her and starts humping her!! i laughed my ass off. all the kids are going "mommy what are they doing?" so i laughed even fucking harder. well the girl leopard lets out this roar and runs away. guess it wasnt very good for her. you had to be there i guess,but it was hilarious

in other news...i havent talked to my lover in 8 days. this saddens me, but its only a few more weeks till he gets home. this weekend my friend melissa from jersey will be coming to visit. so that will occupy me. oh and i got a discount rate for the ymca. im gonna go get really really hot for my lover. and swim too!!lol and then next weekend is memorial day weekend. off to the beach. unfortunately i have to be with his parents for that, but i can stay far away and only while the suns good!! otherwise off to the gym i go.

my good blog buddy just another nickname whos link youll find to the right under DEVILS ISLNAD is doing a reality blog kinda thing. pretty cool. so he has us all going in on a raft and im the loudmouthed one(me? no way) with all the tattoos just a yapping away. lmmfao. good stuff. but anyway he takes stuff from our blogs that we posted as us talking. pretty cool. you ll have to check it out!

have a great night


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