Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Sunday, May 22, 2005


ok...first things first. lmao at all the different comments from the last post. nice. jim wants me to be celibate cuz it will "feel" different. i guess itll start to close up a bit. i dunno. whatever. which is fine. sorta. i dont wanna do the hand thing cuz then ill want something better in there. ya know...

ok well yesterday was a dull day. got up earlylike and went to the y like i said. randi took the kids who were getting on my damn nerves already to the pool. i went to the gym. well i walk in and of course it is alllllll guys. and not just any kind of guys.but buff hot guys. there were 2 girls and they were all fit too. so here i am, with my fatass walking through, and these people are going at it. dude on the treadmill is flat out running,and everyone else is like that too. so i get on this thing thats like a mixture of a treadmill and a stairmaster. i got on it and took the easiest damn course. so im doing this thing and im like whoa. i was kinda having fun, but then i was like well maybe this isnt the right course for me. so i stop and choose a different course. so i stop it im only 1 minute into the damn thing and switch to an easier course. so i start going on the course and im on for like another 4 minutes. huffing and puffing, and looking at these other people wondering why they arent all huffy and puffy, and im like fuck this. my calves thighs and ass hurt so i got off and left. lmmfao. yea it was a productive day. i wouldve stayed if i had someone to talk to and laugh about it with. or even some headphones,but whatever. i let my insecurities take over. again.

then later i on i went to randis house. we got into a fight cuz she was being a bitch. and i didnt like it. so i gave her the silence treatment with my angry face for about 45 and she caved like i knew she would. she gets over things really

and from there i left to go find my jersey friends. then we came home and sat and talked. today we will be journeying to dennys. yayyyy. lol i havent had dennys in awhile. i love

yesterday was three weeks from yesterday. slowly making it guys. woooohoooo

SHOW ME THE PENIS!!!! lol i couldnt control myself


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