Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

lmmfao....its mean of me,but its funny as hell

ok, so i never said i was the best friend in the but heres a funny story i forgot to tell yesterday. on friday night my friend randi decided she was gonna blow me off and go to the bar. fine,whatever, i threw my fit and i left her house. now i live in hillbilly land,filled with druggies and even more cops than the city with lots of free time. well this bar she goes to is skanky, and boring and just eww.(makes me miss jersey even more) i reppeatedly give this girl advice in everything. she never listens and i always end up having to say, you should have listened to me,cuz im always right. never fails. even after all 30 times,she still doesnt listen. i tried to talk her out of going. at lleast not there,but she went.

now randi is my insanely pot addicted friend. shes as flaky as they come,and when she drinks,AND smokes,shes even worse. lol. well saturday morning i wake up to see i have a voice mail on my phone. i check and see that the last call was from her. so i listen to the voicemail....hehehehe....she got arrested. lmmfao. i know i sound mean but heres the story:

so shes at the skanky bar, when some guy offers to smoke with her. so they go in her car, its about 1 30am. the bars all close at 2am here. so the cops are out and ready...hehehehe. anyway, so this dude and her are in her car and he hands her a roach. so she lights it, hits it,and gives it to him. he then tells her nah..i dont smoke. that shouldve been her first damn clue. well she continues on to smoke it..and a bunch of cops show up. she throws the roach outside the car and they walk up and start questioning her about the pot. they dont believe what shes saying,and dude shes with says ive been trying to get her to quit. ok first of all,dude barely knows her,second of all,he gave her the pot.

then they search her car after they put her in handcuffs and stick her in the back of the cop car. well she slid out of a handcuff,and thats when she called me. so they searched her car for about 20 minutes. meanwhile shes sitting pretty cuz theres nothing in her car. well you know cops are very thourough(not spelled right) and find a bag deep down in her center console.its probably about 2 years old. so she gets arrested, they take her to the police station. she got finger printed,and mugshots. lmao. they ended up letting her go, with a hefty fine.

now of course i took this chance to tell her "i told you that you shouldnt have gone" bc thats how i do. say im a bitch,but i dont

first of all, its a skanky sleezy bar that the cops are always at. how are you gonna go smoke in the parking lot with some shady guy you dont even know!?! dumbass.lmao

so ive been taking the opportunity to make fun of her. alot!! hehehehehe

in other news,jims a happy camper,cuz they had a big army picnin where he participated in keg stands and got plastered. idiot. glad he had fun though

another beautiful day, i am sunburnt.YAYYYYYY!!! i will be tan


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