Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Sunday, April 03, 2005

such a wimp....

omg im such a big baby. so last night it was storming its ass off. pouring down rain, windy as hell. well finally around 3am, i decided to get in my bed and try to sleep. now i can deal with the raindrops, i can deal with the wind. but there i was laying in my bed ready for a blissful quiet sleep,and i kept hearing this crashing sound. like someone was in my house. now you all know i am like deathly afraid of the damn dark. so to hear crashing too!! i bout pissed myself. so im trying to lay in bed and ignore it. and it just keeps getting louder and louder. so i turn my fan off. lol i have it on all year long. anyway, i turned it off and im laying there just listening. and it sounded like someone was just walking around in my attic. like creaking sounds and footsteps and all this shit. i was freaking the fuck out. i peeked in my closet(my one true moment of braveness) and see the attic light is on. i called up randi(she had my child) and asked if i could come sleep at her house. she said yea thats cool while she was laughing at me. and come to realize, my damn keys are in my bathroom for some reason,and my glasses are in my room too. fuck. well i found a spare set of keys, and i ran up to get my glasses at lightning speed. running down the stairs. hitting my elbow on every corner going down. that shit hurt. lol and then drove through the fucking downpour and 6 small rivers till i got to randis house. where it took me about 30 minutes to calm my heart and go to sleep. i didnt sleep very good. and when i woke up, the big ass fluffy cat was sleeping with me. now im allergic to cats so this was no good.

now im tired as hell and my throats all big and sore from the damn cat. sighhh... i wish my lover was here. i hate not feeling safe


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