Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Saturday, April 02, 2005

ok here goes...

s twos i stole from two people. pep and my misguided fool. im gonna do pepes first cuz i said id do it like 3 days

Accent: i still got a little bit of a jersey accent. although it is slowly and against my will,being taken over by a pa/md one that i dont like. my friends in jersey call me the jersey hick. grrrr...
Bra size: good god, i dont even know anymore.its up there though
Chore I hate: Every chore
Dad's name: kurt
Essential make-up: if i actually do it,eyeshadow,eyeliner and mascara
perfume: damn, i wear a different one every day. so i shall list them
clinique: happy and happy heart
calvin klein: escape,eternity,eternity moment
estee lauder: beyond paradise,pleasures intense
jlo: glow and still
ralph lauren:blue
the paris hilton perfume
tommy girl
abercrombie and fitch
coolwater for women
and i have the addidas one too
Gold or Silver: Silver or platinum
Hometown: wayne,nj
Interesting fact: I am left handed, but do most things with my right bc they made me in school
title: BITCH!!
Kids: 1 and there will be NO MORE
Living arrangements: here in jimmys house,all alone :(
Mom's Birthplace: upper darby pa
Number of apples eaten in last week: none. i dont like to eat apples
Overnight hospital stays: when i gave birth and i tried to fight them on it. i didnt wanna stay
Phobia: so many. spiders, bridges and tunnels are the worst
Question you ask yourself a lot: are you fucking kidding me?
Religious affiliation: bleh
Siblings: my bibsy and my bro nicky
Time I wake up: 6am during the week and 7-8 on the weekend
Unnatural hair color: when i die my hair its chocolate cherry. but i stopped that. now my unnatural color is gray dammit. im only 24!!
Vegetable I refuse to eat: ewwwww brussell sprouts. that shits nasty.
Worst habit: cursing
X-rays: i had like 16 done at once for my knees spine and feet. then one on my finger,i got caught in a cardboard baler. think thats it
Yummy food I make: chicken cutlets
Zodiac sign: if you knew anything about zodiak signs,youd know that i am a leo!!!

ok this next ones a little harder. cuz i am having a dumb moment. so im gonna use to people. and heres the fun part. i want to see if any of you can figure out who the two are. maybe ill find a special prize. NO CHEATING!!

"Choose a band/artist and answer these questions only in song titles by that band/artist"

Are you male or female: uptown girl
Describe yourself: more than a woman
How do some people feel about you: bigshot
How do you feel about yourself: piano man
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: the one i gave my heart to
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: just the way you are
Describe where you want to be: New york state of mind
Describe what you want to be: dont know what to tell ya(its really a song name)
Describe how you live: only the good die young
Describe your current mood: hot like fire
Describe how you love: i care for you
Share a few words of wisdom: rock the boat

lol, there is more of one artist then the other. but i wanna see if anyone can guess them both.

ok i must go. i am getting a new ferret today and i must prepare for it!!


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