Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

not a whole lot....

and heres to the end of another boring if my life continues to be this exciting, i may exhaust

so its sunday night,and i really dont have a lot to talk about. my friend gio came here on friday night and stayed the night. erik and randi came over also. we got tore up and played spongebob on playstation. woohooo. then saturday, woke up did some computer crap,and when gio finaly got up we went to dennys.mmmmmm dennys. i ate like i never ate before.she and then she left. i was sad like i usually am,but mot real bad. then i talked to jim for a bit,and i didnt even cry. weird. randi came over that night and we continued on our spongebob journey. woohooo again.

today i went to the food store and got some food for austin with money i shouldnt have spent,but oh well. easter is on sunday,and im not sure ill have the money for it. may have to tell austin the bunnys going to grammas. cuz she always makes a nice basket. but im trying not to think about it cuz then ill get depressed. and i dont wanna.

hot boy,blew me off 3 times, so i blew up on him until i made him feel really bad,which i know is evil to say but i was happy then.hehe im not ashamed. your not allowed to blow me off for stupid reasons three times and get away with it easily. nope sorry!!

had a weird dream last night. i dont remember all of it, but what i do remember was this. jim was getting to leave for iraq, and there was a party for him. there was this pool,and in it there was seahorses. really weird seahorses,but i thought they were just beautiful. so i walked over to it, and my friend came over to me with a spider. i hate spiders,and she threw it in the pool. i just looked at her and then she dissapeared. so i continued towards the pool and stuck my feet in it. then appeared some alligators, 30 foot long snakes all kinds of weird shit. but i insisted on getting my feet in there. i heard jim call me off in the distance and i turned and looked at him. i thought he had already left without saying goodbye. theni tried to get in the water,and jim came and pulled me out. then he was gone and i woke up. weird huh? i told my sissy about it and she asked me what i thought it meant. i said that i felt like going for a swim in the death pool? and she says she thinks it means, that id rather face my fears then see jim leave. i said sounds good to me. except im not afraid of snakes.

ever since jim left its either one really bizarre dream after one horrifyinly scary one. i wish he was here..


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