Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

stolen from my buddy...

ok i have nothing newsworthy except im feeling good today. so im stealing a couple things from the misguided fool.

1. Your true name: DONT EVER CALL ME THIS!!!Jacquelynne
2. Name you wished you were called: vanessa,my middle name
3. Name of your children (if you are going to have any): austin cole
4. Favorite song: god thats hard. just the way you are by billy joel
5. Favorite song lyrics: everything i do,by brian adams and faint by linkin park. explains alot of people in my life, sadly
6. Any one word to describe what you are feeling now: lonely
7. Number of siblings: 2
8. Last thing anybody said to you: ..but im playing nice with ferrets :(
11. What you thought you were going to be when you got older when you were a child (can't phrase it any better, sorry haha): marine biologist
12. What you are planning on doing with your life right now: get through it happily
13. Person you'd like to meet: mmm warrick on csi
14. Your personality as a song title: more than a woman
15. If you could kill anyone, who would it be: george bush,the fucker
16. Favorite cartoon: garfield and friends
17. Favorite place in the world: NEW JERSEY!!!! duh
18. Sexy or sensual (anything, like what type kiss or lover): sensual
19. Hugs or handshakes: Hugs! Ubleys! lol
20. What is your opinion on Americans?: Some are cool the rest are assholes
21. Look in any direction, what is the first thing you see?: ferrets
22. Craziest thing you have ever done: almost gotten arrested bc a boy i was confronting was loser
23. Stupidest thing you have ever done/ said/ asked: i can take care of a baby all by myself at age 17
24. One misconception people have about you: Slut
25. Something nobody knows about you: hmm thats hard cuz i tell all of you everything..oh wait, i watch girl on girl porn and like it!lol
26. The most interesting thing you know: clouds are made from water
27. Funniest joke you've heard: i dont remember jokes good
28. The most beautiful thing you've seen: my jimmys face after he was gone for 9 months in bosnia. well except for that stupid mustache he
29. Favorite quote: 'fuck it'
30. Do you think people go anywhere after they die? If so, where?: i believe they hang around and watch you
31. biggest pet peeve: when people lie
32. first kiss: mmm i think i was 14 or 15
33. favorite pair of shoes: right now it would be my blue and white k-swiss shoes
4. most prized possession: My teddy bear collection and my stereo system in my car. nice and loud.yea yea!!
35. favorite memory: my last conversation with my mom where she asked me if i thought jim was THE ONE

ok next...

01. Take the book that is closest to you, open it in page 18, what does line 4 says?contact the printer manufacturer for technical assisstance
02. Extend your left arm all you can. What’s the first thing you can touch?Nothing
03. What was the last thing you watched on TV? days of our lives
04. Without looking, try to guess what time it is. 4:50
05. Now look at the clock, what time is it?4:51
06. Besides your computer, what can you hear?ferrets running around
07. When was the last time you walked on the street? bout an hour ago
08. Before coming to this page, what site were you visiting? time to tell
09. What are you wearing?Black pants and a green shirt that says my autism bracelet and 3 other bracelets
10. Did you dream last night? yes i did
11. When was the last time you laughed?at work when i was making fun of my bitch supervisor. hehehehe
12. What’s on the walls on the room where you are? nothing, jim wont let me hang stuff
13. Have you seen something weird lately? a really ugly girl walking down the street looking all ki9nds of drugged
14. What do you think of this test?It's a test? i like it
15. What was the last movie you saw? i watched a walk to remember this weekend. it makes me cry and i needed a good cry
16. If you became a multi-millionaire tonight, what would you buy first?A brand new honda!!
17. Tell me something I don’t know about you. Be sincere: i have arthritis in my knees and im only 24
18. If you could change something in the world, that wasn’t politics related, what would it be? umm making pot
19. Do you like to dance?Heeeeeell yes!
20. George Bush: that fucker. i hate him. die you bastard. ahem..sorry
21.a. Imagine your first kid its a girl. What would you name her? arianna paige
21.b. Imagine your first kid its a boy. What would you name him? austin cole, lol
22. Have you ever thought of migrating to another country?YES!
23. What language would you like to learn how to speak fluently? italian
24. Name the top 3 TV shows you like the most right now:CSI the vegas one, charmed and thats it
25. Say something profound:youre fucked if you do and fucked if you im not sure what profound means but hey it sounds good to me!!


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