Its all about me...screw everyone else..

another day,blah blah blah, in this, blah blah blah, girls life..... WELCOME TO JERZEES HELL!!!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

jerzee from a-z

ok so i went to visit wordwhiz and saw this and thought it may be a little bit fun. so im stealing it. so heres some stuff about me:

A- austin cole my six year old son

B- bibs..the name i call my sissy for some reason. cant temember why

C- cool.. im a cool chick everyone wants to be my that was a hard one. this is harder than i

D- dolphins are my favorite animal. i think they are so cool and one day i dream of swimming with one. and yes i was one of those gay kids that watched flipper and like

E- ears. i hate ears. they gross me out and i dont like my ears touched and i dont like touching others.

F- fat is what i am. not sure how i got this way but i got some pics today that i took when jim was home and i disgust myself. i dont want to talk about it anymore

G- green is my favorite and the color of my eyes.

H- hostile. i am mostly a calm person but when people piss me off i get very very hostile

I- iguanas. i love them to death. i used to have 2 when i was like 15 and one of them got out of the cage and ran away to my neighbors grill. no it wasnt on, and then i had to get rid of them. but i will get another one

J- jim..the love of my life who is away in iraq. :(

K- kitties.. ihate them but they love me. im very allergic

L- leo my astrological sign. and true every word too!!

M- moody. im one of the moodiest people youll ever know. one second happy next angry or sad or whatever

N- nicky my brothers name and nj where i was born and lived till i was 17

O- old. im getting old. i will turn 25 in a few weeks

P- picky. its hard to buy certain things for me. so when holidays come and people ask what i want i say either gift certificate or tell them specifically what i

Q- questions. jim says that when we talk i only talk in questions. he says i always answer questions with questions or something. but its only with

R- restless. i cant sit around one place for too long or i start to get all crazy like. i have to be doing something. and if i feel like partying i will not be happy till i got to a club and shake my

S- sad. i miss my jimmy and the way things used to be. before i was fat and ugly. if i were him id dump me too!! (rough day..sorry)

T- tracy.. my extrememly missed mothers name

U- unorganized.. i am not a very organized person. even when i try to be


W- whiney.. i tend to whine when things dont go my way until i irritate them into giving me what i want. i do it to jim

X- ummm Xavier something was the name printed on the ass of cabbage patch dolls. i beat my sister up with mine. that was back when the heads were hard and not plasicy i know i was mean to her.

Y- yo-yo. thats my weight and has been since i was little. im always either skinny or fat. never in between. i hate it

z-zoo i just went to one for the first time a few months ago. and it was pretty cool. but i feel bad for the animals

so i learned yesterday that my sissy reads my blog. which makes me happy. except for now when i want to curse her out for saying i need to think about somebody other than myself for once. she pissed me off. alot. bc our conversation wasnt even like that. so heres my ranting on that and you can try to figure out what im thinking:

gfvnmjirfenvuje;ncvuiehgbu9piejhgi ;jioemio nu8u 9u5 94uy8ori ji[j kgore[wv,u90[uw[jgkefw;mbu954bun89mgbire; j905iuopdkvml'klto35043290-,klgfjkl;dl;mbklgf'k[]qolp[akgvoer]kj m06954w itreop,kb vogptej 90653=8i6b9054=0-erkgl;fdkl;fk09=fimt4 bo

ok i feel a little better.


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